Building Global Citizens Together

Receive our beautifully crafted Sustainable Living Personal Calendar enabling you to...
Plan your monthly goals and actions.
Follow the year's global environmental events.
Reflect on your month's outcomes, feelings, thoughts,
product swaps, and behavior changes. -
Receive our 60 suggested product swaps and ideas.
End of year reflection on your health and wellbeing,
your cost savings, and footprint changes. -
Receive our 52 card pack with suggested behavior changes
to support your sustainable lifestyle.

The goal is to work toward good health, happiness, and the search for purpose through sustainable living. Together we will:
Create a personal connection to sustainable living by understanding what matters to us most.
Enable good health through behavior change.
Protect our families and homes as we learn about detoxifying our living spaces.
Become more aware of products, the producers and their commitment to people and the planet.
Understand our role through product choice to protect the people connected to these products.
Find sources of information that are honest and transparent.
Recognize marketing strategies and entice us to consume beyond our needs.
Design our living and work spaces to connect to nature as we seek to maintain our physical, emotional, and cognitive well being.
And learn how to find deeper happiness by focusing on our higher goals and our passions by moving away from unnecessary consumption.